In the last post, we explored how to calculate parallax if the distance to an object is known and its distance from the zenith. This was done for the sun and the moon at four different distances. However, because the moon varies so widely in distance in Ptolemy’s model, we need a way to estimate between those positions and we’ll begin by looking at the effect the epicycle has on distance for various points throughout its cycle. To help us, we’ll start with a new diagram:
Here, the circle at top is the lunar epicycle on center
We’ll position the moon at
For our first example, we’ll consider when the moon is
Now, let’s consider a demi-degrees circle about
Converting those to their respective chords,
We can now context swap this back to the overall diagram since we know that, in that reference frame,
We can now add
We’ll pause on that track of thought for a moment to consider the first limit – what we called
And we just determined the distance to the moon for our scenario to be
I want to pause here to consider why Ptolemy did this as it certainly escaped me when I first went through it2. Essentially what Ptolemy has done here is consider the first and second limits as the extremes. At apogee, the moon is at the first limit. At perigee, it’s as close as it can possibly be due to the epicycle. If we were expressing this using modern math terms, we’d say at apogee it’s
Moving on, Ptolemy then states that this number will be entered into the table we’re working on constructing, but I’ll save discussion of that until we get start looking at the table to prevent us from breaking the flow of the calculations.
Next, Ptolemy considers the case in which the moon is at
Taking that as the difference from the first limit of
Now we’ve taken two intermediate examples between the limits when the mean moon is at apogee on the eccentre. But our other two lunar cases were when the mean moon is at perigee on the eccentre. We could go through the math again, but Ptolemy takes a bit of a shortcut to skip the first few steps involving the demi-degrees circle.
Instead, he refers back to a bit of a side note we’d looked at in this post. There, he said that at perigee, the ratio of the distance between the earth and mean moon to the radius of the epicycle was about
Again, referring to the previous post Ptolemy used for this, this was in the context in which the distance between the mean moon and earth was
Ptolemy stresses that this is for the context in which the third limit (which we previously called
I’ll wrap up this post here, but before doing so, let’s review what exactly we calculated here: It was the proportion closer to the earth the moon was, expressed as a sixtieth of the diameter of the epicycle. It was not the actual change in parallax. We’ll come to that in time. But before doing so, we’ll also want to consider how the eccentre affects the lunar distance as this will impact parallax as well. And that will be the topic of the next post.
- You’ll notice that we’ve dropped the units here. This is because we’re now considering it as a proportion of the diameter of the epicycle and the diameter of the epicycle also has units of parts. Thus, the units cancel and we’re left with a dimensionless result.
- I originally thought of it along the lines of the context switching we regularly do for the demi-degrees method.
- This is the
we used for plus the for the radius of the epicycle in that context.