Almagest Book IV: Adjustments to Intervals for Parallax

I stopped my previous post where I did because the material it covered is the end of the example problem Toomer provided. However, Ptolemy still has a few more paragraphs to go because

there is, in fact, a noticeable inequality in these intervals [of immersion/emersion] due, not to the anomalistic motion of the luminaries1, but to the moon’s parallax. The effect of this is to make each of the two intervals, separately, always greater than the amount derived by the above method, and, generally, unequal to each other.

In short, because the parallax changes over the course of the eclipse, it will cause the immersion and emersion durations to be longer than they would otherwise be.

We shall not neglect to take this into account, even if it is small.

Then let’s get to it. Continue reading “Almagest Book IV: Adjustments to Intervals for Parallax”

Almagest Book VI: Predicting Solar Eclipses

Now that we understand how to predict lunar eclipses, we’ll turn our attention towards solar eclipses. However, Ptolemy warns us that these will be

more complicated to predict because of lunar parallax1.

Toomer again provides an example that we can follow along with2. This will be Example $12$ from Appendix A. Surprisingly, nowhere in the Almagest does Ptolemy describe the details of a solar eclipse. As such, Toomer has selected his own example. In this case, we are to determine the details of the solar eclipse of June $16$, $364$ CE (Nabonassar $1112$ in the month of Thoth), which was observed by Theon of Alexandria3. Upon observing the eclipse, Theon then followed Ptolemy’s methods in the Almagest and Handy Tables to compare the predictions against observations and his calculation are what Toomer follows as an example using Ptolemy’s methods4. Continue reading “Almagest Book VI: Predicting Solar Eclipses”

Almagest Book VI: Predicting Lunar Eclipses

Having set out the above as a preliminary, we can predict lunar eclipses in the following manner.

As Ptolemy states in opening this chapter, we’re finally done with the preliminary work and we’re ready to start diving into how to actually use everything we’ve done to predict eclipses. As usual, Ptolemy walks us through the steps, but does not provide an example, so I will follow my usual procedure of using example $11$ in Appendix A of Toomer’s translation1.In that example, Toomer invites us to examine lunar eclipses around Nabonassar 28, in the month of Thoth (the first month of the Egyptian year). Continue reading “Almagest Book VI: Predicting Lunar Eclipses”

Almagest Book VI: Solar Eclipses Separated by One Month

We have finally reached the final in this run of eclipse timing feasibility checks. In it Ptolemy wants to demonstrate that it is impossible to have two eclipses separated by one month

even if one assumes a combination of conditions which could not in fact all hold true at the same time, but which may be lumped together in a vain attempt to provide a possibility of the event in question happening.

In short, we’re going to assume an overly ambitious “best case” scenario which can’t actually happen because some of these best case conditions contradict one another. Continue reading “Almagest Book VI: Solar Eclipses Separated by One Month”

Almagest Book VI: Solar Eclipses Separated by Five Months

Ptolemy next looks at whether or not it is possible for a solar eclipse to occur five months after a previous one. We’ve already done a fair bit of the heavy lifting for this topic as some of the math we did when considering lunar eclipses separated by five months will still apply. In that post, we determined that the moon would have moved on its inclined circle by $159;05º$ between true conjunctions. This does require we adopt the same assumptions of the sun moving its greatest distance and the moon moving its least.

What we’ll need to focus on for this post is redoing the eclipse limits for the situation in question. Continue reading “Almagest Book VI: Solar Eclipses Separated by Five Months”

Almagest Book VI: Lunar Eclipses Separated by Seven Months

So far in this chapter, we’ve demonstrated that it’s quite possible that, if either a solar or lunar eclipse occurs, there will be another one six months later. Then, in the last post we showed that, if a lunar eclipse happens, it’s possible (although unlikely) that there can be another one five months later. In this post, we’ll explore whether or not, for lunar eclipses, you can have two separated by seven months.

The procedure will be the same as in the last post. First we’ll determine the motion of the luminaries, taking into account the discrepancies due to the anomalies, as well as the differences between mean and true syzygy, and then compare those to the eclipse windows which we’ll again recalculate for this situation. Continue reading “Almagest Book VI: Lunar Eclipses Separated by Seven Months”

Almagest Book VI: Lunar Eclipses Separated by Five Months

In the previous post, we showed that , if a solar or lunar eclipse occurs, it is possible that another may occur six months later. Now, we’ll turn to ask whether or not another lunar eclipse can happen five months after a previous one. To answer this question, we’ll first work out how much the moon would have moved in that time period and then compare that to the eclipse window.. Continue reading “Almagest Book VI: Lunar Eclipses Separated by Five Months”

Almagest Book VI: Solar and Lunar Eclipses Separated by Six Months

Continuing in the theme of checking as few as possible syzygies for eclipses, Ptolemy now turns his attention towards

the problem of intervals at which, in general, it is possible for ecliptic syzygies to occur, so that, once we have determined a single example of of an ecliptic syzygy, we need not apply our examination to the [ecliptic] limits to every succeeding syzygy in turn, but only to those which are separated [from the first] by an interval of months at which it is possible for an eclipse to recur.

Continue reading “Almagest Book VI: Solar and Lunar Eclipses Separated by Six Months”

Almagest Book VI: Eclipse Limits for Solar Eclipses – Longitudinal Parallax

Now that we’ve determined how much further from the nodes parallax can cause solar eclipses to occur due to the latitudinal parallax, we need to consider the longitudinal effect. As with the last post, Ptolemy is absolutely no help in this. He simply tosses out some values with no explanation or work stating

When [the latitudinal] parallax is $0;08º$ northwards1, [the moon] has a maximum longitudinal parallax of about $0;30º$ … and when its [latitudinal] parallax is $0;58º$ southwards2, it has a maximum longitudinal parallax of about $0;15º$…

Seeking some assistance, I again refer to Neugebauer and Pappus, but immediately run into an issue. Neugebauer minces no words and states

Ptolemy is wrong in stating that $p_\lambda = 0;30º$ and $p_\lambda = 0;15º$ are the greatest longitudinal components of the parallax for locations between Meroe and the Borysthenes. It is difficult to explain how he arrived at this result.

Well… this will be interesting to try to untangle then. Continue reading “Almagest Book VI: Eclipse Limits for Solar Eclipses – Longitudinal Parallax”