Almagest Book XI: Second Iteration for Saturn

With our corrections for the intervals from Saturn’s oppositions in hand, we’re ready to repeat the calculation. As with before, I’m doing this in a Google Sheet to speed things along. This means that I’ll be using modern trig and that the figures I give her may be subject to some rounding as we go since the Sheet is saving higher precision behind the curtain.

We’ll begin with the same diagram as before:

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Almagest Book X: Second Iteration Correction for Equant – Third Opposition

We’re now ready to make the correction for the third opposition in this second iteration. And the good news is that this is the last time we’ll need to calculate a correction.

Ptolemy still does a third iteration which relies on these corrections, but since he won’t be doing a fourth iteration, further corrections aren’t necessary. So let’s get to it. Continue reading “Almagest Book X: Second Iteration Correction for Equant – Third Opposition”

Almagest Book X: Second Iteration for Mars – Part 2

Continuing on with our second iteration in which we calculate the revised line of apsides and eccentricity of Mars’ model.

As with before, I’m doing my calculations in a Google Sheet to make it easier to correct should I make an error. This also means that the Sheet will be keeping much higher precision to prevent rounding errors. However, as I’m only showing rounded values, things may look a bit off. So if something seems funny, I encourage checking out the aforementioned Sheet. Continue reading “Almagest Book X: Second Iteration for Mars – Part 2”