Data: Stellar Quadrant Observations – 3/6/2021

As usual, the weather in January and February of this year hasn’t cooperated. Nights were consistently cloudy during good moon phases or the temperatures well below freezing.

But as March has  rolled around, temperatures have begun to warm, and the forecast called for a clear night with a good moon phase so Yseult and I headed out to Danville Conservation Area to do some observing. Continue reading “Data: Stellar Quadrant Observations – 3/6/2021”

Almagest Book V: Parallax Table

In the previous chapter, we worked out the parallax for the sun and the moon at 4 different positions. Next, we determined how we might make some corrections for the moon if it were between the positions we described, breaking the corrections into ones for the epicycle and for the eccentre. From that work, Chapter $18$ presents the results in tabular format. Since this one is pretty wide, I’ve again made the decision to put it into a Google Sheet.

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Almagest Book V: Lunar Distance Adjustments for Eccentre

So far in this chapter, we’ve reviewed how to calculate the lunar parallax for certain limits of the lunar position and looked at what’s necessary to estimate the effects for lunar positions away from those limits due to the epicycle. Now, we need to discuss the impact of the eccentre and how that we can estimate the effect on parallax due to it bringing the moon closer and further.

So let’s set up a generic diagram of our eccentric model, ignoring the epicycle and only concerning ourselves with the mean moon:

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Almagest Book V: Lunar Distance Adjustments for Epicycle

In the last post, we explored how to calculate parallax if the distance to an object is known and its distance from the zenith. This was done for the sun and the moon at four different distances. However, because the moon varies so widely in distance in Ptolemy’s model, we need a way to estimate between those positions and we’ll begin by looking at the effect the epicycle has on distance for various points throughout its cycle. To help us, we’ll start with a new diagram:

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Almagest Book V: Parallaxes of the Sun and Moon

Now that Ptolemy has worked out his model for the sun and moon in earth radii, we can use this result to calculate parallax for any position in our model. To begin, we will calculate

the parallaxes with respect to the great circle drawn through the zenith and body.

This is essentially the reverse calculation of what we did in this post, so we can reuse the same diagram:

Continue reading “Almagest Book V: Parallaxes of the Sun and Moon”

2020 in Review

Welcome to the dumpster fire of a year in review!

Gulf Wars: CANCELLED! Lilies War: CANCELLED! Pennsic: CANCELLED!

Plague for everyone!

Well, I guess I didn’t need to spend any time working on new garb, fixing my armor, or many other things. So while this year has been dismal in many respects, it was a pretty good year for my project. Continue reading “2020 in Review”