My Library

As this project has progressed, I’ve picked up a number of books related to it. So others can know what I’ve read (and have available should they be interested in reading them themselves), I’ve compiled a list of the books in my medieval astronomy library, as well as some other excellent books on historical astronomy. Continue reading “My Library”


I first joined the SCA sometime in late 1998 or 1999. At the time, my main interest was just doing the armored combat. While I was active for a few years, college ended up taking me away. GPA before SCA as they say. After trying to do Physics education as a major, then straight Physics, I realized what I most enjoyed were my Astronomy electives and my focus began to shift towards Astrophysics.

Eventually that’s what I majored in but my skills were not sufficient for me to continue past my BS, so after graduating in 2008, I headed into the real world, still with a strong love for the field, but it turns out you can’t do too much with just a BS. So my career took a very different turn. Continue reading “Introduction”