This coming February I will be teaching four classes at the University of Atlantia1. The classes are all offered online and are free. Details on which classes are below the fold. Continue reading “Classes at University of Atlantia”
Class Schedule for Pennsic 2024
Pennsic is only a few short weeks away and as usual, I’m teaching a whole host of astronomy classes.
This will include my previous classes but will also be introducing a new class on comets in the SCA period.

Full schedule beneath the fold.
Continue reading “Class Schedule for Pennsic 2024”Gulf Wars 2024 Schedule
I’ve gotten confirmation on all my classes for Gulf Wars. A list is below the fold. Continue reading “Gulf Wars 2024 Schedule”
Class Schedule Updated for Pennsic
Pennsic is less than a week away and suddenly I’m reminded that I should share all the classes I’ll be teaching.
The list can be found here.
As a side note, I’d forgotten to mention that I taught my Brief History of Astronomy2 class earlier this month. The site for Raid or Trade has an observatory on site and the Des Moines Astronomical Society happened to be having their monthly gathering that night. I reached out to them and asked if they’d be interested in a class.
Gulf Wars 2023 Class Schedule
I’ll be teaching six classes at Gulf Wars this year. Information is below the fold! Continue reading “Gulf Wars 2023 Class Schedule”
New Class Announcement – Ptolemy’s Star Catalog: A Stolen Masterwork? 2/15/23
On Wednesday February 15, 2023, I will be teaching my new class on the history of Ptolemy’s Star Catalog at the weekly meeting for the Barony of Three Rivers. It follows the discussion of whether or not the figures were stolen from Hipparchus. If you’ve been reading this blog, you’ve already seen the vast majority of the material, but this talk gives a summary of it.
Class Materials
This post a collection of my class materials which will be posted below the fold. In general, this is a Powerpoint presentation and the script I follow is included in the file. Continue reading “Class Materials”
Upcoming Class – Motion of the Heavens
I will be teaching my Motion of the Heavens class for the Barony of Forgotten Sea on 1/26/2022 starting at 6:30pm. This class uses Stellarium to show the motion, as seen from earth, of the sky and objects in it, that any astronomical model will need to be able to explain. The class will be taught online. Information can be found on the Facebook event page.
Apologies for Recent Absence
Yikes. It’s been nearly two months since I made any sort of post here! Here’s a quick update on what’s been going on and there’s a little bit of astronomy in there. Continue reading “Apologies for Recent Absence”
Upcoming Class: Christianity and Astronomy in the Medieval Period
Popping in briefly to say that I’ll be teaching my Christianity and Astronomy in the Medieval Period class this coming Saturday at 7pm CST for the Canton of Whyt Whey. If you’re interested in attending, it will be held on Google Meets. Here’s the link to the meet.
This is one of my favorite classes because it really challenges some of the traditional narratives – both those that try to depict Christianity as an enemy of science as well as the counter narrative that Christianity inspired or made possible modern science.