Data: Stellar Quadrant Observations – 8/12/18 (Perseid Meteor Shower)

So far I’ve had two nights of observing with the quadrant. The first was a test run and trying to determine an organization to the logistics of observing. The second was the Mars opposition which had a nearly full moon. In both cases, the amount of actual observing was somewhat limited as a result.

As such, we’ve been waiting for a nice moon-free night to really concentrate on observations. As last night was the new moon, it seemed like a good night, and I was able to tempt a few people into helping out as it’s also very near the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Continue reading “Data: Stellar Quadrant Observations – 8/12/18 (Perseid Meteor Shower)”

Almagest Book II: Difference Between Length of Solstice Day vs Equinox From Latitude

The next demonstration Ptolemy does is actually a reverse of what we did in the past 2 posts. Now, given latitude Ptolemy asks what the difference in length between the longest (or shortest) day and the daylight on the equinox would be. Again, Ptolemy has actually already given us the answer for the case we’re considering of the Greek city of Rhodes which is at 36º N latitude for which the longest day (the summer solstice) is 14.5 hours. Since the length of the day on the equinox is 12 hours, the answer will be 2.5, but Ptolemy simply wants to demonstrate that this can be achieved mathematically.

Again, we’ll use Menelaus’ Theorem II.

Continue reading “Almagest Book II: Difference Between Length of Solstice Day vs Equinox From Latitude”

Almagest Book II: From Length of Longest Day Finding Elevation of the Pole

In our last post, we explored how to find the angular distance around the horizon from the ecliptic and celestial equator. In this chapter, we explore another value that can be derived from knowing the length of the longest day (i.e. on the summer solstice): the elevation (or altitude) of the celestial pole (which is also the latitude).

Once again, we’ll start with the same diagram we’ve been using for awhile now:

Continue reading “Almagest Book II: From Length of Longest Day Finding Elevation of the Pole”

Almagest Book II: Arcs of the Horizon between Equator and Ecliptic

Let us take as a general basis for our examples the parallel circle to the equator through Rhodes, where the elevation of the pole is 36º, and the longest day $14 \frac{1}{2}$ equinoctial hours.

Immediately starting the second chapter, we’re given a lot to unpack. First off, Ptolemy chooses to work through this problem by means of an example, selecting Rhodes, a city in Greece as the exemplar. I’m assuming that the “elevation of the pole” is the latitude, as Rhodes’ latitude is 36.2º. But what of these equinoctial hours? Continue reading “Almagest Book II: Arcs of the Horizon between Equator and Ecliptic”

Data: Stellar Quadrant Observations – 7/27/18 (Mars Opposition)

One of the long term goals of this project is to collect enough data to derive the orbit of Mars. However, because Kepler didn’t know the orbit of Earth, he couldn’t use the observation on any given night. Instead, he only used observations from when Mars was at opposition1. This happened to be last night, so we packed up the quadrant and headed out.

Continue reading “Data: Stellar Quadrant Observations – 7/27/18 (Mars Opposition)”

Thoughts on an Observing Team

When I first started thinking about how an observing team would work, I originally envisioned two people being necessary, with three being ideal. The thought was that one person would use the sight to locate the star as it crossed the meridian, a second would read the observation off the scale aloud, and a third would record it in a log book. If necessary the second person could do the writing.

This division of duties well matches an engraving Tycho had of his mural quadrant:

If we ignore the giant Tycho in the background as this is a heavily stylized image, we see the observer at far right sighting the star, one reading off the time, and a third recording the observation.

However, the past few days I’ve been working on a list of stars to observe and think it may be necessary for my purposes to have even more. Continue reading “Thoughts on an Observing Team”