In our last post, we walked through Ptolemy’s method for finding the angular distance between the mean and true conjunction.
When I initially wrote the post, I followed Neugebauer’s explanation as Ptolemy’s was quite difficult to parse and although they contain a lot of the same key elements, one important piece is left out of Neugebauer’s solution. Specifically, the part where Ptolemy’s iterative method leads naturally to the increase over the anomaly of $\frac{1}{12}$. Writing a later post, I realized that this was an important piece of information since it pops up later and thus made the effort to more completely understand Ptolemy’s method and rewrote the post to explain it. However, I didn’t want to lose the original work, following Neugebauer since readers may appreciate some explanation of Neugebauer’s work as it too is quite dense. Thus, I’ve included that original text beneath the fold as a separate post. Continue reading “Mean to True Conjunction Alternate Method”