Previously, we discussed Vogt’s attempt to reconstruct the Hipparchan catalog by reverse calculating its coordinates from Hipparchus’ Commentary on Aratus. This Commentary was Hipparchus’ response to a poem by Aratus entitled the Phaenomena. Grasshoff ultimately took issue with Vogt’s methods, finding them insufficiently explained given the number of assumptions required to perform the transformation, to put too much stock in. Although not overtly stated, the fact that no one else has attempted to reproduce Vogt’s methods with better explanations, including Grasshoff himself, implies that the uncertainty surrounding such assumptions are considered sufficiently prohibitive that it is not worth attempting to refine Vogt’s methods.
However, Grasshoff isn’t finished with the Aratus Commentary just yet. While the issues with the dates and longitudes may make the Aratus Commentary too messy to use to reverse calculate Hipparchus’ catalog from, Grasshoff instead proposes going the other way around – using Ptolemy’s catalog to calculate same rising/culminating/setting descriptions given in the Aratus Commentary. These can then be compared to those in the Aratus Commentary without needing to worry about recovering Hipparchus’ catalog. Continue reading “Scholarly History of Commentary on Ptolemy’s Star Catalog: Grasshoff (1990) – Ptolemy’s Phaenomena”