Data: Stellar Quadrant Observations – 4/21/20

I managed to get out and do a bit of observing last night. It’s been 4 months to do the day since my last opportunity to do so and I started off by making a rather large blunder. The location I usually observe at has several pads for observing and I have one I usually use. It’s straight down a path that points generally north which makes finding the north star fairly easy, even without looking for the big dipper to verify which star it is.

Well, last night I looked for the star over where the path met the parking lot, but because I was on a pad a bit to the west of where I normally am, I accidentally aligned on Kochab, the second brightest star in Ursa Minor, and ended up making three observations over the course of a half hour before I realized the error. Fortunately, we still got in 11 observations, and all of them were new stars!

Object Alt Az ST Dec Error1
γ1 Leo 70.7 180 10:25 19.43 -0.42
μ Hya 34.2 180 10:31 -17.08 -0.24
ρ Leo 60.3 180 10:38 9.02 -0.28
ν Hya 34.4 180 10:50 -16.89 -0.68
α Crt 33.0 180 11:03 -18.28 -0.02
θ Leo 56.6 180 11:16 15.32 -0.11
δ Leo 71.4 180 11:17 20.12 -0.40
δ Crt 36.4 180 11:19 -14.88 -0.10
σ Leo 56.7 180 11:23 5.42 -0.61
γ Crt 33.3 180 11:27 -17.98 -0.29
ι Leo 61.6 180 11:29 10.32 -0.21
Average -0.30
StDev 0.21


Overall, it looks like I was shooting about 1/3 of a degree low last night. But this started to fill a gap in my data that’s existed since last year!

  1. Error is vs modern published values and only for Dec.